Personalized Virtual Visits and Health Kits
Welcome to Guardiant!
Our highly specialized medical team is here for you 365 days a year. We look forward to helping you on your health care journey by using these easy-to-use tools.
Now that you have received your personalized Guardiant box in the mail, it’s time to familiarize yourself with the included monitoring devices designed with you in mind.
Each device comes ready to use and connects you to our doctors and clinical specialist. A quick 1 to 2 minute interaction a day and your vitals are automatically recorded and reviewed.
Discover the piece of mind that comes with knowing our clinical team is here for you and your family every day to help keep you on track.
Your Personalized Health Kit
May include one or more of the following:
Virtual video visits, remote monitoring, and Telehealth tools
Blood pressure cuff and reader
Pulse oximeter
Blood Glucose Instructions
Body Temperature Instructions
Other Biometric, smart device or remote monitoring equipment
Guardiant Health’s virtual whole person care and remote monitoring program includes easy-to-use devices to ensure quick, accurate, and pain-free biometric data collection, clinical review, and proactive intervention.
Our team receives and reviews your readings through a cellular service with no additional steps required by you.
It is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Remote Monitoring Team
Personalized Care Planning
We work with you to understand your goals and what is most important to you. Our providers develop a personal care plan which is personalized to you inclusive or your health kit devices, visit schedule, and needs.
Enjoy and Measure
Go about and enjoy your daily living knowing Guardiant is here for you wherever and whenever you need us. Take 2 minutes out of your day to measure your vitals which are automatically sent to your advance primary care provider team for review.
Interact and Adjust
With Guardiant working with you to monitor your health and working to proactively to identify changes in your conditions, notifying and adjusting your care plan if needed, you greater piece of mind knowing we are always here for you.
1. Adjust the blood pressure monitor cuff so the arrow on the cuff points to your inner elbow and your arm is at the same level as your heart.
2. Once you have positioned the cuff correctly on your upper arm, simply press the Start button and the arm cuff will start to inflate and take your measurement. Remain still during testing. Results are shown when the reading is complete.
3. Accept ‘Yes’ on the tablet to confirm the reading.
Blood pressure reader
A. If the cuff does not inflate:
- Check the battery indicator
- Change the batteries if indicated and repeat the process
B. Please refer to additional blood pressure monitoring educational material included in the package.
C. Be sure to use the same arm each day to get the most accurate reading.
1. Press and hold the white power button down until the display lights up.
2. Place your index or middle finger into the Pulse Oximeter. It’s best to choose the same finger each day.
3. Put your finger in the oximeter, once your result is displayed on the device, the readings will be sent automatically to us
Pulse Oximeter
Cold temperatures of the device or patient finger, artificial nail, or nail polish can affect the reading.
Scale requires batteries to operate- these are provided and must be placed in the back compartment.
1. Place scale on a hard, even, stable surface.
2. Safely stand with both feet on the scale to ensure your full body weight can be measured.
3. Remain still until your weight flashes at the top of the scale (less than 5 seconds)
4. Step off the scale.
5. Your reading is securely and automatically sent to your Guardiant Health care team
7. Incase of an error, step off the scale and repeat the process again.
Weight Scale
Take your measurement on your own glucometer.
1. Tap the Biometric My Blood Sugar button.
2. Use the number pad to manually enter your result.
3. Select the appropriate measurement period: Before Meal, After Meal, Fasting
4. Your results are securely and automatically sent to your Guardiant Health care team.
Blood Glucose Measurement
Make sure the device is clean, by rinsing it with soap and cold water.
1. Turn the thermometer on.
2. Place the tip under your tongue, towards the back of your mouth. Close your lips around the thermometer until it beeps or flashes. Your temperature will now show on the display.
3. Your results are securely and automatically sent to your Guardiant Health care team for review. Your daily check-up is complet
Body Temperature Measurement
We make it easy for you
1. With your vitals automatically sent to your Guardiant Health team you can continue about your day without the need to log or try to interpret your results
2. Our Guardiant care team will review and reach out to you should we see a change in your vitals which we believe requires attention.
3. If at any time your have questions about your health or how you are feeling please call us at 1-805-364-0889
3. As always if you feel your are experiencing a life threatening or material change in your health please call 911 immediately.
If you need any help understanding how to use a device, contact your Guardiant care specialist at 1-805-364-0889